To avoid bleeding:
- Limit physical activity for 24 hours, no exercise or heavy lifting
- No vigorous rinsing of your mouth for 24 hours
- Strictly no alcohol
- No hot foods/drink, cool to below body temperature
- In the event of blood clot being disturbed and bleeding occurs, take one piece of gauze provided, roll up, place in extraction site, bite hard to create pressure and sit down somewhere cool and quiet for 20 mins before removing gauze
Pain management:
- 2x paracetamol 500mg or ibuprofen 200mg tablets immediately and every 4 hours there after as required
- Do not exceed the maximum dose. For adults, this is 2g (8x 500mg tablets) for paracetamol; 1.2g (6x 200mg tablets) for ibuprofen, over 24 hours
Wound care:
- No smoking for at least 48 hours
- As always, keep your mouth clean to avoid infections
- Use a chlorhexidine mouthwash 2-4x daily for a maximum of 2 weeks
- Salt water rinses are also very good
- Brush and floss your teeth regularly as usual but do not disturb the healing site
Please contact the surgery on 96548055 if you have any concerns.